Contract address: 0xB02aE72F32C912Db2D4eBDd28E1faCe35F929100

BabyPengu has arrived on BSC! Don't miss out on the chance to own the cutest penguin in the world. BabyPengu's cuteness will melt your heart even if you're in the South Pole.

Download Metamask Wallet on AppStore, CHPlay or add the extension on your Chorm and follow the instructions to create an account

Get Some BNB – Buy BNB on Metamask or transfer from any exchange of your choice.

Go to Pancakeswap and paste $BabyPengu contract address 0xb02ae72f32c912db2d4ebdd28e1face35f929100 to start swapping BNB!

Contract address: 0xB02aE72F32C912Db2D4eBDd28E1faCe35F929100


Small Steps, Big Impact!